Responsive Space

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Rausgehen und loslegen! Bei unseren Einsätzen können Sie praktisch mit anpacken. Egal, ob beim Besuch eines Flüchtlingscamps, beim Begleiten eines Hilfsgütertransports oder beim Teilen der Guten Nachricht: Wir begegnen Menschen, die in materiellen und geistlichen Notlagen stecken, bringen Hoffnung und verschenken Liebe – gemäß unserem Motto »klare Worte – starke Taten«!

Testimonial Nora Mosimann
»»The experience in Athens was incredible: the family-like fellowship of the team with the refugees, and how God touched their hearts. I didn't want to come back at all.«
Nora Mosimann, outreach participant from Effretikon

Our project manager in Thailand is bursting with ideas and joie de vivre. But it wasn't always like this. His eventful life story led him through the drug milieu in Germany, through being homeless in Sweden to a fateful encounter with a Chinese man who told him about Jesus. Today, Ralf does everything he can to enable others to benefit from the help and change he has experienced.

(Video in German)

Our project manager in Thailand is bursting with ideas and joie de vivre. But it wasn't always like this. His eventful life story led him through the drug milieu in Germany, through being homeless in Sweden to a fateful encounter with a Chinese man who told him about Jesus. Today, Ralf does everything he can to enable others to benefit from the help and change he has experienced.

(Video in German)
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